Thursday, June 22, 2006

Wednesday: Beauty and the Beach

More photos here.
Today was RAD. We had the usual breakfast: cereal and bagels. Of course, this was after about 20 minutes of Josh saying, "C'mon, guys, its time to get up."

We breezed through our work today, piece of cake. We got two rooms finished from scratch, and we put the second coat on the kitchen. Miss Rush was super excited to see the house shaping up the way it was. Of course the best part of the day was playing with the kdis.

We introduced the Red Hot Chili Peppers to them, and I'm pretty sure Tchaikovsky loved it but I'm not positive about the others. Christian finally came out of his shell and he's a cool kid.

After working we went to the BEACH!! The water was sooooooooo warm and shallow. We were like 250 yards out from the sand and could still stand!

We hung out at night with a guy named Eric who is an amazing singer, and it was sweet. Conaboy...out

~ Pat


Jillian Frank said...

Wow, guys! The paint job looks amazing! I think Ms. Rush's face says it all.

It looks like you guys had a great time at the beach. I'm only a little jealous (I spent the entire day getting a monitor tan *sigh*).

Keep up the great work! I'm thinking of you often and checking the blog daily (obviously!).


Anonymous said...

Nice pic Zack!

Anonymous said...

Well, all I can say is Wow!!! You guys are amazing-not just the physical work you are doing. Speaking as a mother, I bet it means just as much to Ms. Rush to see her kids having such a great time. That is also what you'll be remembered for when you leave!!Keep up the good work!!
Love, Hugs, and Prayers,
The Conaboys

Anonymous said...


You ought to keep your hands to yourself!! Don't forget the purpose of your trip. You're representing your "youth group" remember??

Josh Frank said...

What pictures are you guys referring to?

Anonymous said...

hI Everyone!! We love seeing the pictures you have sent, I really wish I was there too. We know it is alot of hard work, but it seems you are enjoying yourself also. We also enjoy reading the letters from you. Keep up the good work , We miss you all especially Zach,

Love Mr. and Mrs. K!

Anonymous said...

soooo awesome the work you guys are doing. i love that all of you have so embraced the Rush family and have really included them in the work you are doing. kudos to you all!!

-Heather D.

Anonymous said...

You guys ROCK! It's exciting to see what you have accompolished both in terms of tasks, personal growth, and love one another and others. God's love radiates through your pictures and daily comments. (Yes, I finally found all 259 pictures, and enjoyed everyone.) Tommorrow morning, Kyle leaves for 3 weeks of boys camp in Wisconsin. I'm jealous. I'd love to see pictures like these of his experience. Knowing him, he won't tell us much once he gets back. It sure is fun following your activities. Keep your pictures and comments coming. Christine B.

Anonymous said...

Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls.This quote from my boy J.F.K. reminds me much of you youngens working down there in mississippi. Pless your soals and keep up all the hard work.

Anonymous said...

I dont want you guys to be picking on my nate, he has been calling me crying every night because of you mean people. He's not stupid; he's just possessed by a retarded ghost.