Sunday, April 06, 2008

Talent Show

more Talent Show photos on Flickr
This past Friday we had another great Church of the Epiphany Talent Show and Pasta Dinner. Zach and Claire (to the right) were the MCs for the night and did a fabulous job. Parents Barb, Robin, and Schelly really pulled together a great night; they make me look good!

Our acts this year ranged from Sam lip syncing with a friend to the Blues Brothers to a German lesson to an amazing display of Rubiks Cube solving. There was plenty of singing in the mix. It was a great example of just how creative (and hilarious!) the people at Epiphany are.

The turnout was fabulous, too. The parish hall was packed to near capacity. People donated $496 at the door to help with the cost of this summer's combined Jr./Sr. High Mission Trip.

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